Our Expedition Rucksack has your back on any adventure, making sure you can comfortably carry the gear you need any distance you want. We know how important the fit of a backpack is for your safety, which is why this bag has an adjustable back system and hip belt to carry the weight evenly. The Ripstop nylon is tough enough to withstand bumps and scrapes as you scramble up rocky outcrops or drop your pack at camp after a long hike. It’s easy to keep your gear organised, with a bivi divider for the main compartment and enough pockets to keep all your essential gear close to hand. Ideal for expeditions as its name suggests, the Expedition Rucksack is a versatile and supportive pack for long hikes.
SUPPORTIVE – An adjustable back system, sternum strap and hip belt distributes your pack weight evenly across your body, taking the strain off your back.
STAY DRY – The nylon fabric will cope well with showers, but if you get caught in a downpour then the integrated rain cover provides excellent waterproofing for your gear.
EXTRA SPACE – Even if you pack heavy for every trip, the Expedition can absorb all your gear between its main compartment, pockets on every side and attachment loops on the outside of the bag.
210D ripstop nylon
66 x 38 x 11cm
Padded front, bellows side, stretch side, hip belt, inner and outer lid